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10 Cleaning Tips Every College Student Should Know

Kimberly Hirsch

February 7, 2023

5 minutes

Moving into a dorm room can be both exciting and overwhelming. You're on your own, often for the first time, in a tiny, shared space. Not only are you expected to master the art of college storage in that space, but you also must keep things clean and reasonably organized. Keeping such a small room up to par with cleanliness can be challenging, especially when dealing with limited storage. But with these ten simple cleaning hacks, you can make your dorm life (especially the adulting stuff) much more manageable! Read on for tips on how to make your dorm room sparkle and shine!

Steam mops can be a better idea than traditional mops.

1. Mop Your Floors - 

A mop is one of the best tools for cleaning the floors in a dorm room. You'll definitely need a good one with all the shoes coming and going and the daily food prep. Microfiber can pick up dirt and dust without leaving any sticky residue behind. If you need extra scrubbing power, use warm water and mild dish soap to help break up tough dirt and grime. Compact and simple are essential features when shopping for your mop. You don't want to be lugging dirty buckets of water through the dorm after each cleaning session, so we suggest an all-in-one steam mop–no bucket necessary! There are no extra parts or pieces, and it stores easily in a closet. 

2. Use Dryer Sheets - 

You may not think of dryer sheets as a cleaning tool, but believe us when we say they are instrumental! Dryer sheets can clean dusty blinds, wipe down walls covered in fingerprints, and even freshen up smelly laundry bins or gym shoes. Plus, they're cheap and easy to keep on hand. Some scents will even freshen up your small space and repel bugs. As a bonus, they can even clean your electronic screens! Whoever thought one little dryer sheet could do so much?

3. Make Your Bed Everyday - 

Making your bed sounds so simple. For a college student in a rush to make it on time to their first class, it also sounds unnecessary. But it's not! In a now-famous commencement address given by Admiral William H. McCraven to the University of Texas-Austin, he said it perfectly:

"If you can't do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made — and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."

He went on in his speech to explain how making your bed is one small task you can accomplish every morning to keep your room tidy, but really what it will do is encourage you to go and complete another task and another and so on. We think this is excellent advice!

4. Hang Plants 

Adding some greenery to your dorm room is aesthetically pleasing and helps purify the air, especially in small spaces! Look for plants that don't require too much sunlight or water so you won't have an extra chore added to your list every week. You can hang them from the ceiling or wall if space is tight or find creative ways to repurpose other items (like an old shoe rack) into plant holders. 

5. Invest In A Good Vacuum - 

Vacuuming is a must when it comes to keeping your dorm room clean; There is nothing worse than waking up for class and walking with bare feet over last night's dinner crumbs. Ok, walking over your roommate's dinner crumbs might be worse, but you get the picture. Vacuums are essential, and every student should have one. However, traditional vacuums are usually too bulky for small spaces like dorm rooms. Thankfully there are plenty of lightweight cordless vacuums available (with college students in mind!) that will do the job just as well as their bigger counterparts – without taking up half your floor space! So whether you want to splurge on an expensive fancy model or an inexpensive one, choose one that fits well into your dorm or is compact enough to store away when not in use. 

6. Utilize Double Duty Furniture - 

If possible, find furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes when decorating your dorm room – like a bed frame with built-in drawers underneath it or an ottoman with a removable top that doubles as a storage container when needed. This way, you don't have to sacrifice style for function – you get both in one neat package, and your room stays tidy! Read our latest blog for more tips on organization and storage in your dorm room.

7. Get a Duster - 

microfiber duster is a great tool to keep handy in your dorm. There are many reasons to dust your dorm room regularly, but your health is the number one reason. Dust mites, allergens, carcinogens, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants can quickly fill a small space, especially one enclosed and shared with so many others. In the end, less dust leads to purified air and better health. We all know that being healthy in college can help improve academic performance, production, focus, and mood. So do yourself a favor and get to dusting!

8. Use Disinfectant Wipes Regularly - 

Disinfectant wipes are great because they kill germs quickly without leaving behind any streaks or residue like other cleaners might do; plus, they come in convenient individual packages, which makes them perfect for quick clean-ups around the dorm during those times when time isn't really on your side! Plus, they eliminate the need to do laundry or wash dirty rags–and they smell nice. Just be careful of harsh chemicals on your skin by using gloves or opting for plant-based wipes (they're more eco-friendly, too!).

9. Have An Emergency Kit On Hand - 

Accidents happen – especially in college environments where people tend to let loose more often than not! Keep an emergency kit with all the essentials on hand so you don't waste precious minutes searching around for things when disaster strikes (like spilled drinks or broken glass). Your "clean-up" kit should include paper towels, glass cleaner, stain remover spray, etc...  While we favor eco-friendly brands to keep toxic chemicals out of our tiny space, pick whatever you're used to and like the best. 

10. Create A Cleaning Schedule & Stick To It - 

It's one thing to read and agree with all the fantastic ways to keep your dorm clean, but it's another to follow through with your plan and stay consistent all year. You don't need to spend hours and hours each weekend cleaning your room. In fact, if you spend about five minutes each day on one cleaning task, you can prevent the need for any lengthy cleaning sessions down the road. Get into a habit of cleaning a different spot for five minutes each day–

Whether wiping down surfaces once a week, doing laundry, or dusting your blinds, having a set schedule will help keep things under control no matter how busy life gets outside of schoolwork & studying obligations.

Final Thoughts -

Dorm life doesn't have to be hard work if you take advantage of these ten easy cleaning hacks – trust us; it'll make living away from home way more enjoyable (and sanitary!) Once you've got your student storage under control and your space spick-and-span there's nothing left but tons of fun & studies ahead, so enjoy every minute of it with confidence, knowing that everything's taken care of properly, at least from a cleaning point of view anyway... Happy cleaning, everyone!!

While we can't help you with your day-to-day cleaning, we CAN help you with your moving and student storage. Check us out at for a price quote, and sign up for your summer storage reservation today. 


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