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5 Things I Wish I Knew Before College

Annabel Barr

March 2, 2022

Moving to college inevitably comes with its challenges; it’s all a part of growing up and gaining independence. Everyone learns different things along the way that stick with them. These are the things that come out of new experiences. Being around new people, having a new sense of freedom, and making your own decisions is why College is so great and shows you that you have so much to learn. This was a growth experience for me, and I have compiled a list of the top 5 things I learned along the way, but I wish I knew before taking this new step in my life.

1. Saying no is okay. I know you have heard this before. But, constantly being around other people your age and having the freedom to do whatever you want makes this a challenge. I suffer from FOMO more than the average person, so saying no to plans is hard for me to do, no matter how much I should say no. I finally figured out that the times I had fun were when I was not preoccupied with the amount of work I should have been working on or was exhausted and needed alone time. Less is more, and I am telling you, missing one event is never the end of the world (even if it seems like it at the time). 

2. Actually make an effort to meet with your professors. Office hours can be a little bit of a drag, don’t get me wrong. Spending way too long trying to find their office, only to have to wait in a line for other students to meet with them, is a scene I have encountered far too many times. But the payoff is worth it. Professors want to know you care about their class. Doing this is a great way to show them. You are basically getting help while building valuable relationships that can benefit you throughout your academic career; it’s worth it to get out of bed and go.

3. Make your bed. This has been something that has positively impacted my motivation and productivity a ton. My parents always told me to do it, and I never thought it actually mattered until I started consistently doing this. Not only does it wake me up (because I tend to end up crawling back into bed a little too often), but it also makes me feel like I have accomplished something already that day. It also definitely makes the room look a little more put together, which I’m sure your roommate would appreciate also. 

4. Get involved with things on campus. Find clubs that interest you, play a sport, try something entirely new for you; it doesn’t matter as long as it is something you enjoy. Before you go to school, you don’t realize how much downtime you have (when the workload isn’t killing you). I didn’t take advantage of joining campus clubs until later on in my freshman year, and I wish I got started sooner. This is a rare opportunity for you to try new things and possibly find new interests you didn’t know you had. So get out there and join a club!

5. My final piece of advice that I have learned along the way; don’t let others dictate how you feel about yourself. It can be intense sometimes, being around so many people all of the time. Especially when you are new to college, it can become easy to overthink the way others around you act. Sometimes, people just had a bad day or are going through something themselves, and letting the way they treat you affect your self-image will never be positive. I struggled with this a great deal and found that making sure I allowed myself alone time really helped me get through it. Making a solid effort not to allow others to dictate my feelings has been a very freeing experience.

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