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Student Storage and Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Solutions for Storing Your Stuff

Kimberly Hirsch

February 28, 2023

8 Minutes

Summer is just around the corner, and for college students, that means it's time to pack up and head home for a few months. Many students will need a storage solution for their belongings this summer. However, have you considered the environmental impact of your storage choices? As the world becomes more conscious of the need to preserve the environment, it's more important than ever to consider eco-friendly solutions for summer storage. In this blog post, we'll explore student storage and sustainability within the industry, providing tips for storing your stuff in an eco-friendly way. So, let's dive in and learn how to be kind to the planet while keeping your belongings safe and secure.

1. Reduce, reuse, recycle: Embrace the three Rs

When it comes to storage and sustainability, it all starts with you. Sure, you can shop eco-friendly and partner with like-minded companies, but it all starts with the choices you make from your dorm. To minimize your carbon footprint and maximize sustainability, begin with those 3 R's!

Reduce: Don't hoard unnecessary items. Embrace minimalism and only have what you need on hand in your dorm. The less you have, the less you'll move and the less you'll store. Eventually, the less you'll toss out. 

Reuse: Always try and buy second-hand! Reusing furniture means less furniture to throw into our already overstocked landfills.

Recycle: If you need to dispose of unused or unwanted items, try to recycle them! Ask around for your best local recycling options, from moving boxes to textbooks to clothing. 

2. Go digital

Here's the deal: switching to digital for your college textbooks and notes might take some getting used to, but it's a total game changer. Many schools are already on board with digital books, so it's time to get with the program if you're still living in the Stone Age. Not only will you save your poor back (or your movers) from hauling those heavy boxes of books and notes around, but you'll also be doing your part for the planet. Think about it - all that paper printing from mills is wreaking havoc on our air, water, and land. Plus, discarded paper accounts for a whopping 26% of US landfill waste. If every college went digital, imagine the impact we could have!

3. Donate or sell unwanted items

While packing and moving, it's all too common to become frustrated with the clutter. You might be tempted to toss out that dusty lamp, that unused bookshelf, or those seven pairs of jeans that just don't fit anymore. But hang on a sec - did you know you could be an eco-warrior by passing those goodies on to someone else? Whether you donate or sell them, allowing another person to reuse your unwanted belongings can prevent them from ending up in a landfill, where they may take years to decompose. Let's face it; landfills are already bursting at the seams and emitting harmful gasses into the environment. It's crucial for us all to do our part by minimizing our contribution to them.

4. Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies

Remember one crucial step when moving out for summer break - cleaning your dorm room. Most dorms require you to leave your space looking spick and span. But here's the thing - it's about more than just following the rules. You also want to ensure your stuff stays in tip-top shape when you send it off to storage. Dirty electronics, when put into storage, can stop working, not to mention the pests they can attract. Nobody wants to unpack dusty, grimy kitchen gadgets when they return in a few months. 

With all that cleaning that needs to be done, be intentional about the products you purchase. Don't use harsh chemicals to clean your stuff. Opt for eco-friendly versions of the same products. They can be found everywhere you shop for cleaning products. Using eco-friendly products is much safer for the environment because they lack the toxic chemicals that pollute our air and water. Go a step further and use reusable glass bottles–eliminating the need for single-use plastics.

5. Choose energy-efficient storage facilities

Don't be afraid to shop around while hunting for a storage unit! Pick up the phone and fire away with your important questions, or hop on your laptop and take a look at company websites. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that many companies value sustainability and energy-efficient methods and make it a core part of their mission.

6. Minimize driving

You might think you're being savvy by making 12 trips to the storage unit in your little car to stash your college gear (and doing it all over again when you move back in), but the reality is, it's not the best move. Not only is it a massive waste of time, but it's also not doing the planet any favors. Sure, you might be just one person, but if all college students thought the same way, we'd have an even bigger emissions problem on our hands. The good news is there are plenty of ways to shrink your carbon footprint when you're transporting your stuff to storage. Consider using a larger vehicle, find a unit close to campus, or reduce the amount of stuff you're packing away.

At Storage Scholars, we're all about keeping it green. Our facilities are all located close to campus, and we aim to minimize our carbon footprint by making smart, efficient moves. Our Campus Co-Founders work like superheroes, executing moves in just a few days and handling multiple orders in a single trip. Plus, we've got a nifty labeling system that ensures everything is stored with maximum efficiency.

7. Use biodegradable packing materials

When you're moving out of your dorm, you'll inevitably need packing materials: boxes, tape, and either bubble wrap or packing peanuts. You and thousands of your college peers must use something to keep your belongings safe and secure. If everyone chose biodegradable options, it would eliminate landfill waste and help our environment immensely. 

Boxes - Are all moving boxes created equally? Not always. While most are recyclable, many contain plastic linings, making them harder to recycle. The best option is to see if your boxes can be reused by someone else who may need them. Facebook Marketplace is an excellent place to give away moving boxes. If you can't find anyone to use them, programs or companies often take them for others to reuse. If all else fails, break the boxes down as much as possible and recycle them. Cardboard boxes are biodegradable and are often entirely decomposed in three months. 

Packing Peanuts - If you're in the market for packing peanuts, purchase starch-based ones because they are 100% biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable. You can feel good knowing that you're packing your belongings in an eco-friendly way.

Bubble wrap - Don't skip on the bubble wrap if needed–it's completely recyclable! The best place is to recycle it with your grocery store plastic bags. Don't toss it because that's a lot of plastic to send to the landfill. 

Whatever supplies you use, give yourself plenty of time because chances are the packing aisles will be running bare at the end of the semester. At Storage Scholars, you won't need to worry about running out of supplies because we'll give you all you need free of charge! You also won't need to worry about sustainability because we've partnered with eco-friendly suppliers who make sustainability their mission at every step. So take all you need and get packing. 

8. Shop second-hand or rent furniture

Reduce your environmental impact by skipping on brand-new furniture. Reusing furniture will prevent it from going straight to a landfill. Renting furniture will reduce the amount of storage space you need in a unit, reducing the number of resources you'll need to move it. Less truck space, fewer emissions…get the picture? 

9. Use green moving companies

Products aren't the only thing you should look at when shopping for sustainability. Look for moving companies that prioritize sustainability. There is no excuse for a company not to put this at the forefront of its mission, vision, passion, and values, especially when its footprint is so large. Storage Scholars is proud to partner with SIRVA, whose sustainability philosophy is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, something we can stand behind. 

Final Thoughts

Student storage doesn't have to be a headache or an environmental burden. By utilizing eco-friendly solutions and making conscious choices about what we keep and how we transport it, we can positively impact the planet while simplifying our lives. So, before you start tossing your belongings into a landfill-bound dumpster or cramming them into a gas-guzzling car, take a moment to consider the eco-friendly options available to you. aims to utilize sustainable solutions at every step, so you can have peace of mind working with us to create a more sustainable future for all. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more. 


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